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API Reference

The following is an API reference for the ServiceAuthCentral manage service and the user authentication used by serviceauthcentralweb for the administrative portal. These APIs would not be used by microservices integrating with ServiceAuthCentral and represent the management plane of the system.


For the API reference on the token server and how vend and validate tokens, see the Integration Guide - API Reference page.

POST /v1/token

The POST /v1/token endpoint on the token API is primarily used for the client credentials and jwt bearer grant types as ServiceAuthCentral is primarily used for server-to-server authentication. However, to support the PKCE flow for the serviceauthcentralweb application, the token API also supports the authorization code grant type. This flow is initiated by the serviceauthcentralweb application and then proceeds to the 3rd party application to authenticate the user completing a double OAuth 2.0 authorization process.

GET /login/authorize

The GET /login/authorize endpoint on the token API initiates the OAuth 2.0 authorization process using the PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) flow from the serviceauthcentralweb application and then proceeds a flow for the 3rd party application to authenticate the user.

Request Parameters:

  • response_type (String): Must be set to code. This indicates that an authorization code is being requested.
  • client_id (String): The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process.
  • redirect_uri (String): The URI to which the response will be sent. This must match one of the redirect URIs registered for the client.
  • code_challenge (String): A challenge derived from the code verifier by using one of the supported transformation methods.
  • code_challenge_method (String): Must be set to S256. This indicates the method used to derive the code challenge.
  • state (String): An opaque value used to maintain state between the request and the callback. This value should be used to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.


On success, the endpoint will redirect the user to the 3rd party application for user authentication (such as Google or GitHub) using an OAuth 2.0 auth code flow.

GET /login/callback

The GET /login/callback endpoint on the token API handles the callback from the third-party authentication provider after the user has authenticated. This endpoint completes the OAuth 2.0 authorization process by exchanging the authorization code for user information and generating an authorization code for the client application.

Request Parameters:

sessionId (Cookie): The session identifier stored in a secure, HTTP-only cookie. code (String): The authorization code received from the third-party authentication provider. state (String): The state parameter received from the third-party authentication provider. This should match the state parameter sent in the initial authorization request.


On success, the endpoint will redirect the user back to serviceauthcentralweb completing the original PKCE flow which allows the user to then request a token from the token server that can be used to authenticate to the GraphQL management API.

POST /graphql

The POST /graphql endpoint is the primary endpoint for interacting with the ServiceAuthCentral management API. This endpoint is a GraphQL endpoint that allows for querying and mutating data in the ServiceAuthCentral database.


Field Argument Type Description
clients ClientSummaryConnection Get a list of clients.
first Int The number of items to return starting after the cursor specified by 'after'. Used for forward pagination.
after String The cursor after which to return the items. Used for forward pagination.
last Int The number of items to return ending before the cursor specified by 'before'. Used for backward pagination.
before String The cursor before which to return the items. Used for backward pagination.
client Client Get a client by the clientId.
clientId ID! The clientId of the client to retrieve.
authorization Authorization Get an authorization by the id.
id ID! The id of the authorization to retrieve.


Field Argument Type Description
addClient Client! Add a new client.
clientId String! The clientId of the new client. Must be globally unique.
description String! The description of the client.
availableScopes [ClientScopeInput] The list of scopes that this client is aware of and are available to be assigned to an authorized client.
addClientAvailableScope Response! Add an additional available scope to an existing client that can be assigned to an authorized client.
clientId String! The clientId of the client to add the available scope to.
availableScope ClientScopeInput! The available scope to add to the client.
deleteClient Response! Delete a client.
clientId String! The clientId of the client to delete.
generateClientSecret1 ClientSecret! Generates a new client secret for a client. This is one of two methods to generate a new client secret, differentiated by their names.
clientId String! The clientId of the client to generate a new secret for.
generateClientSecret2 ClientSecret! Generates a new client secret for a client. This is one of two methods to generate a new client secret, differentiated by their names.
clientId String! The clientId of the client to generate a new secret for.
clearClientSecret1 ClientSecret! Clears the client secret for a client. This is one of two methods to clear the client secret, differentiated by their names.
clientId String! The clientId of the client to clear the secret for.
clearClientSecret2 ClientSecret! Clears the client secret for a client. This is one of two methods to clear the client secret, differentiated by their names.
clientId String! The clientId of the client to clear the secret for.
authorizeJwtBearer Response! Add a jwt-bearer configuration to a client to use as an authorized user for the client.
clientId String! The clientId of the client to authorize for use with jwt-bearer.
jwksUrl String! The jwksUrl of the JWT bearer used to validate the JWT.
iss String! The `iss` (issuer) claim that must be present in the JWT.
sub String! The `sub` (subject) claim that must be present in the JWT.
aud String! The `aud` (audience) claim that must be present in the JWT.
deauthorizeJwtBearer Response! Deauthorize a jwt-bearer configuration from a client.
clientId String! The clientId of the client to deauthorize for use with jwt-bearer.
id String! The id of the JWT bearer configuration to deauthorize.
authorize Response! Authorize a client to access another client with the authorization.
subject String! The clientId of the service that will be granted access to the specified audience.
audience String! The clientId of the service that is being accessed by the specified subject.
authorizedScopes [String] The scopes that the subject is authorized to access on the audience. The scopes must be a subset of the audience's available scopes.
deauthorize Response! Deauthorize a client from accessing another client.
subject String! The clientId of the subject that will be deauthorized from the specified audience.
audience String! The clientId of the audience that the subject will be deauthorized from.
authorizeAddScope Response! Add an authorized scope to an existing authorization.
subject String! The clientId of the subject that will be authorized to access the scope.
audience String! The clientId of the audience that the subject will be authorized to access the scope on. The scope must be a subset of the audience's available scopes.
authorizedScope String! The scope that the subject will be authorized to access on the audience.
authorizeRemoveScope Response! Remove an authorized scope from an existing authorization.
subject String! The clientId of the subject that will be deauthorized from accessing the scope.
audience String! The clientId of the audience that the subject will be deauthorized from accessing the scope on.
authorizedScope String! The scope that the subject will be deauthorized from accessing on the audience.



The authorization that allows a client to access another client.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The id of the authorization.
authorizationCreated String The date the authorization was created. Returned in ISO-8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssZ). The ‘Z’ indicates UTC, which is always used.
subject Client The clientId of the subject that is authorized to access the audience.
audience Client The clientId of the audience that the subject is authorized to access.
authorizedScopes [String] The scopes that the subject is authorized to access on the audience.


The full representation of a client.

Field Argument Type Description
clientId ID! The clientId of the client.
clientCreated String The date the client was created.
description String The description of the client.
clientType String The type of client.
clientSecret1Set Boolean The indicator that the first client secret has been set for the client. The client secret is used to authenticate the client to the authorization server but is stored as a hashed value and cannot be retrieved after it is set.
clientSecret1Updated String The time the first client secret was modified. Returned in ISO-8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ). The 'Z' indicates UTC, which is always used.
clientSecret2Set Boolean The indicator that the second client secret has been set for the client. The client secret is used to authenticate the client to the authorization server but is stored as a hashed value and cannot be retrieved after it is set.
clientSecret2Updated String The time the second client secret was modified. Returned in ISO-8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ). The 'Z' indicates UTC, which is always used.
authorizationsAsSubject [Authorization] The list of authorizations where the client is the subject.
authorizationsAsAudience [Authorization] The list of authorizations where the client is the audience.
availableScopes [ClientScope] The list of available scopes that can be assigned to an authorized client.
jwtBearer [JwtBearer] The list of jwt-bearer configurations that can be used to authorize the client.
managementPermissions ClientManagementCapabilities The client management permissions for the client. These permissions are used to determine what actions can be taken on the client


The client management permissions for a client. These permissions are used to determine what actions can be taken on the client.

Field Argument Type Description
canDeleteClient Boolean! Indicates if the client can be deleted.
canAddClientSecret Boolean! Indicates if the client secret can be added.
canDeleteClientSecret Boolean! Indicates if the client secret can be deleted.
canAddClientAuthorization Boolean! Indicates a jwt-bearer configuration can be added to the client.
canDeleteClientAuthorization Boolean! Indicates a jwt-bearer configuration can be removed from the client.
canAddAvailableScope Boolean! Indicates an available scope can be added to the client.
canAddAuthorization Boolean! Indicates a client can be authorized to access this client.
canDeleteAuthorization Boolean! Indicates a client can be deauthorized from accessing this client.
canAuthorizeAddScope Boolean! Indicates a scope can be added.
canAuthorizeRemoveScope Boolean! Indicates a scope can be removed.


The scope that can be assigned to an authorized client.

Field Argument Type Description
scope ID! The value for the scope.
description String The description of the scope.


The client secret.

Field Argument Type Description
clientSecret String The generated client secret. This value is only returned once and cannot be retrieved again.


The abbreviated representation of a client.

Field Argument Type Description
clientId ID! The clientId of the client.
description String! The description of the client.


A connection object for paginated ClientSummary results.

Field Argument Type Description
edges [ClientSummaryEdge] The list of edges, each containing a ClientSummary.
pageInfo PageInfo! The page information used for pagination.


An edge in a paginated list of ClientSummary objects.

Field Argument Type Description
node ClientSummary The ClientSummary node.
cursor String! The cursor for use in pagination.


The jwt-bearer configuration that can be used.

Field Argument Type Description
id ID! The id of the jwt-bearer configuration.
jwksUrl String The jwksUrl of the JWT bearer used to validate the JWT.
iss String The iss (issuer) claim that must be present in the JWT.
sub String The sub (subject) claim that must be present in the JWT.
aud String The aud (audience) claim that must be present in the JWT.


Information about pagination in a connection.

Field Argument Type Description
hasNextPage Boolean! Indicates if there are more pages to fetch after the current one.
hasPreviousPage Boolean! Indicates if there are more pages to fetch before the current one.
startCursor String The cursor corresponding to the first node in the current page of results.
endCursor String The cursor corresponding to the last node in the current page of results.


The response object for mutations.

Field Argument Type Description
success Boolean! The flag indicating if the operation was successful.



The input object for adding a new available scope to a client.

Field Type Description
scope ID! The value for the scope.
description String The description of the scope.



The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.